Editing nodes

There are quite a few choices in the Node menu. 

Let's look first at the possibilities for changing the appearance of a node.


To change the color, use the Node Color choice or hit Alt-c. Alt-b sets the color to a blend of the current color and the background.







Bold and italics


To change the typeface, use the pulldown menus for font and size at the top of the screen. To change font styles, or make the type larger or smaller, pick Font in the Node menu.


The Style choice in the Node menu lets you pick between Fork ...

or Bubble formatting ...

or to create a Cloud that spans multiple nodes ...

Nodes can be folded or unfolded

By default, clicking on a node toggles between folded and unfolded.

Nodes can contain followable links to ...


To create a link ...

Use one of the Set Link choices on the Node menu. Ctrl-k lets you type in a link; Ctrl-Shift-k lets you pick an item from a file browser.

To follow a link ...

Click on it, or highlight it and use Ctrl-Enter.

On a node with a link and children:

To remove a link

In the popup menu of a node, edit the link by the menu item "Node > Set Link (Textfield)" and set the link as an empty string.

Nodes can contain images ...

Use Set Image (Alt-k), then pick your file using the file chooser.

You can emulate labeled edges ...

Just add a node with a small label.